Several instructions need to be followed before, after, and during the hair transplant surgery. These instructions are provided by experts and a professional hair transplant team. Let's have a look at the instructions that are needed to follow during hair transplant surgery or during hair restoration.

These hair transplant steps vary according to different techniques like:

1. Follicular Unit Transplant (FUT) or the Strip Method.

2. Follicular Unit Extraction Method (FUE)

3. Direct follicle implant(DFI)

4. Advanced FUE Method (DHT)

5. Generation 3(GEN 3)

6. Generation 4(GEN 4)

7. Neograft techniques etc.

We mostly use the DFI technique for hair transplantation.

DFI methods are intricate, the concept of D'FI hair restoration is simple – hair is judiciously distributed from areas of abundance to areas of the head where the hair loss is most severe and apparent – with no pain, no scalpel, and no stitches!

Traditional hair loss treatments such as hair plugs, strip extraction,n and Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) are extremely painful and traumatic. Often, clients are left with a scarred scalp due to cutting at the time of extractions and incisions at the time of implantation. In contrast, with near-zero pain, no scars, no cuts,s, and no stitches, DFI provides a very comfortable client experience, both during and after the procedure.

The major difference between DFI and other methods of hair transplants is the quality of results. While other techniques merely involve placement of follicles from the donor zone to the recipient zone, the DFI technique comprises a blend of the artistic conception of hairline design and scientific precision in locating the follicles. The difference reflects in the results you have to live with for your lifetime: haphazard and uneven hair growth by other techniques versus DFI’s 100% natural results, with appropriate density and waviness.

DFI offers several advantages.

The major steps involved in D'FI hair transplant surgery are as follows :

1. Preparation for the hair transplant

In the initial step of the Hair Transplant Surgery, hair follicles from the back of the head are removed and relocated to the balding areas.

2. Donor area trimmed

Before the surgery is started, the hair in the donor area is trimmed.

3. Donor area prepared for surgery

Once the hair in the donor area is trimmed it is given local anesthesia.

4. Tissue in the donor area removed and the Donor area sutured.

The tissue in the donor area that contains the bald-resistant hair follicles is then removed surgically and the donor area is sutured.

5. Combed hair over the sutured donor area

The sutures in the donor area are hidden from the patient’s hair that is combed over them. These sutures are removed almost ten days after the hair transplant surgery.

6. Donor tissue trimmed into follicular unit grafts

Microscopes are then used by the surgical technicians to view the donor tissue for dissecting and preparing follicular units hair grafts.

7. Bald recipient area prepared

Once the local anesthesia is given to the patient, the balding recipient area is prepared for the surgical process No trimming/removal of hair is required at the top of the recipient area.

8. Incisions made in the balding areas

Follicular Unit Grafts are placed in tiny incisions that are made in an irregular pattern in the recipient area.

9. Grafts placed according to their densities

The smallest grafts (one and two) are placed in front of the hairline and three and four (denser than one and two) are placed behind.

10. Immediately after the Hair Transplant Surgery

After the hair transplant surgery, tiny incisions with short hair would be visible on the patient's operated area.

11. Closing of the Hair Transplant Surgery

The incision marks heal naturally and the redness in the recipient area vanishes itself within a week.

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