Birthmarks : Causes, Types And Treatment Options
- Birthmarks are spots a person has over their skin or body. They are present at birth or could be developed shortly after birth. They can be of different colors like white, brown, black, tan, pale blue, reddish pink, red, or purple. While some birthmarks are merely colors on the skin surface; some could even be raised above the surface of the skin; while others could also extend into skin tissue beneath.
- A birthmark is often due to a nevus (a mole) or a hemangioma (a localized collection of small blood vessels).
- These birthmarks are pink, blue, or bright red. They're often found on the extremities, head, or neck.
- Birthmarks or beauty marks can occur in both men and women.
- Dermatologists can help you manage your birthmarks. Treatment duration and modality depend on the type, size, and location of the mark.
- Persons with birthmarks should monitor and take note of any changes in color, size, or texture of their skin lesions.

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What Is Birthmarks ?
Birthmarks are spots a person has over their skin or body. They are present at birth or could be developed shortly after birth. They can be of different colors like white, brown, black, tan, pale blue, reddish, pink, red, or purple. While some birthmarks are merely colors on the skin surface; some could even be raised above the surface of the skin; while others could also extend into skin tissue beneath.
Types Of Birthmarks
Generally, birthmarks fall into one of two categories, depending on the cause of their appearance. Vascular birthmarks are related to your blood vessels. An improperly formed blood vessel in a particular area on your body could lead to a vascular birthmark. For example, having many blood vessels clustered at one point or having wider blood vessels could lead to vascular birthmarks. Pigmented birthmarks are related to your skin pigments. For example, have an overabundance of pigment cells in a particular area of the body. Below mentioned are a few common birthmark types-
Port Wine Stains
They are referred to as Naevus flammeus medically. Approximately 0.3% of babies are said to be born with a port-wine stain at birth. Although they majorly affect the face, they could be present anywhere on the body. At birth, they are flat and are faint red or purple-pink. Their color changes to dark red or purple by adulthood. The skin overlying them gets thicker, very dry and pebbled in texture over the years. They don’t fade over time and usually become darker if left untreated. They could also develop into lumps that could bleed easily. They are caused by abnormal formation of small blood vessels under the skin. Such a condition cannot go itself on its own and requires medical assistance, especially if they occur on eyelids. Rarely, they could also be associated with genetic conditions.
Macular stains – Stork bites or angel’s kiss
They are referred to as Nevus Simplex medically. They could be present in 20-60% of babies. They are flat, pink, and irregular in shape. When on the front side of the face -forehead, bridge of the nose, eyelids, upper lip- they are referred to as “angel’s kiss”. When they appear on the backside – nape of the neck- they are referred to as “stork bites”. Mostly, such stains resolve on their own, in the first year of life.
Hemangiomas are pink, blue, or bright red. They are lumpy and look like bulges on the skin. Over 50 % of them affect the head and neck. They could be superficial or under the skin surface. They are usually found on the head or neck. They may start small in size and flat in nature, but get elevated and bigger with age. They usually fade away by the time a child reaches adolescence, at times leaving a pale mark. These kinds are usually referred to as cherry or strawberry hemangiomas. But those that do not fade away even after 9-10 years of age are associated with health risks and their location determines the risk of complication. Also, someone with multiple hemangiomas should be checked for internal hemangiomas too. When they are found on the face, they might interfere with vision and breathing and require medical removal.
Dermal melanocytoses
Dermal melanocytoses are bluish. They’re not harmful but look like bruises. These spots are usually found on people with darker skin. They usually fade away fully by age 4. They occur due to the abnormal presence of pigment cells (melanocytes) in the deeper layers of skin. Dermatologists may classify them as Mongolian spots, Nevus of Ito or Nevus of Ota, depending on their location on the body. Mongolian spots appear on the buttocks and/or lower back.
Congenital melanocytic nevi
Congenital melanocytic nevi (CMN) look like moles. 1% of the population could have one or more CMN at birth. They are usually present at birth and become paler in the first or second year of age. They are flat and could be range from colors light brown to black. They could be of variable shapes and sizes from less than 1.5cm to more than 20 cm. Some CMN may have hair growing out of them. In a few cases, CMN may indicate specific syndromes like the risk of skin cancer- larger the CMN, greater the risk. All CMN should be examined by a certified doctor and any change in them should be reported.
How is birthmarks caused ?
Yes, there are many myths and folk tales that state causes of having birthmarks, but-science hasn’t been able to prove any such thing yet! Mostly, having birthmarks cannot be a condition that one may inherit from parents. Some types of birthmarks indicate certain medical conditions.
Vascular birthmarks are linked to the improper formation of blood vessels/capillaries. Pigmented birthmarks occur due to an abnormality in the pigment cells of the skin.
How To Manage Pigmentations Effectively
Intense pigmentation would need medical treatment to get an effective solution. However, here are a few tips that can help you to manage the pigments and control them to an extent.
- Avoid going out in the sun too often.
- Use a sunscreen or UV protection cream that can positively prevent sunburns that lead to pigments.
- Avoid unhealthy food.
- Improve your sleep patterns.
- Avoid exposure to toxins and chemicals.
- Do not overthink or take stress that leads to depression.
- Keep your body well hydrated as the water content can keep the skin moisturized and avoids dryness.
Are You At Risk?
Regardless of skin type, geographical location, age, or gender, everyone is susceptible to pigmentation though it is slightly common in Asians. Most times, pigmentation is caused by sun exposure. A single day of sun exposure can damage the skin. Those who have a hereditary tendency are more prone to have pigmentation. Hence, timely diagnosis and early intervention are helpful to reverse it effectively.
Preventation And Management Of Birthmarks
Birthmarks cannot be prevented. It is vital that you get all birthmarks diagnosed by a dermatologist to rule out any health complications in the future. It is also vital that a person monitors their birthmarks and consults a dermatologist when any changes in color, size, or texture are noted. One must seek a dermatologist immediately in case of any pain, bleeding, itching, or inflammation of the birthmark.
Treatment Of Birthmarks
Yes! A dermatologist can get you rid of most of your birthmarks. Depending on the type, size, severity, location of the birthmark he may suggest the appropriate technique. The most common types of laser used for reducing birthmarks are:
- Q-switched Nd: YAG Lasers for pigmented birthmarks
- Pulsed dye laser for vascular birthmarks
Why Choose iGraft Global For Your Birthmark Removal?
Although most of the birthmarks are not dangerous, one may still want to get rid of them for cosmetic purposes. Some birthmarks also call of removal as they interfere with you leading a normal life. Whatever be the reason for removal, choosing iGraft would be the best and safest thing to do. Our expert team and a wide range of exquisite technologically advance treatments help you to get the birthmark free skin you desire. Our team of an expert dermatologist at iGraft Global would analyze the root cause of the birthmarks and suggest you the best available solution. Read below to understand why iGraft is your best bet-
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Birthmarks are rarely life-threatening. People often treat their birthmarks as ‘beauty’ marks. But, some might be functionally deforming and call for medical treatment. Some cases also call for the removal of birthmarks for cosmetic purposes. Whatever be the case, it is always advisable to get a birthmark checked by a certified doctor!