Skin Tags: Causes, Diagnosis ,Prevention Tips And Treatment Options
- Best Skin Tags Removal Clinic in India,A skin tag is a small benign tumor that forms primarily in areas where the skin forms creases such as the neck, armpit, groins, and face.
- Skin tags commonly occur in creases or folds of the skin. They are not dangerous, but they can be removed for aesthetic and cosmetic reasons.
- Skin tag removal can be accomplished by methods such as electrocautery (burning), radiofrequency ablation (burning), or cryosurgery (freezing).
- Dermatologists can remove skin tags in a single session and may schedule a touch-up session after a week or 10 days if they are not much in number.
- We are the best skin tag removal clinic in India, as we have 34+ dermatologists for giving you the best results.

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What Is Skin Tag ?
Skin-colored folds or hangs of tissue is the condition that is known as skin tags, or acrochordon/fibroepithelial polyp/cutaneous papilloma, as it is called in medical terms. They are painless, harmless, and not contagious, unlike warts. You usually get these skin tags in areas like eyelids, underarms, neck, upper chest, and also the groin area, in different sizes and shapes. People who have Type-2 diabetes and resistance to insulin often get these skin tags. They also occur frequently in obese people. Most of them are small, less than 2mm in size.
Here are some of the common causes of skin tags:
- Ageing of Skin: They can appear as the skin ages.
- Pregnancy: Sometimes hormonal changes, that is, high levels of progesterone and estrogen, and weight gain during pregnancy can cause skin tags.
- Creases and Folds: If your skin has many folds and creases, the ensuing friction can cause inflammation of the skin, and lead to skin tags.
- Weight Gain: Those who have above normal range of Body Mass Index or BMI, and are overweight, have more skin folds and creases, and can develop skin tags.
- Genetics: Skin tags can be due to genetics.
- Medical Conditions: Patients with diabetes, high blood sugar, and resistance to insulin are at a higher risk of getting skin tags. They are also caused by abnormalities of lipid levels and abnormalities of the liver enzyme.
Diagnosis Of Skin Tags:
A dermatologist is the best person to help you identify ageing changes you may be suffering from and its potential causes. After a thorough examination, your doctor may suggest a treatment that addresses your ageing issues and is suitable for your skin type.
How to Prevent and Manage Skin Tags
Here is what you can do to prevent and manage skin tags:
- Maintain a healthy body weight, because that is the primary causing factor of skin tags.
- Keep blood sugar and insulin levels in control.
Do not wear clothes or jewelry that rubs against skin tags.
When To Seek Medical Help
If the area where the skin tag is, starts to bleed, go to a doctor immediately. Medical treatment at the right time will also check for any underlying reasons.
Treating Skin Tags
You can treat skin tags at a clinic or at home.
At a clinic:
Radiofrequency ablation or electrocautery, that is burning, is used to treat skin tags.
Surgical Removal: They are also treated by cutting them after applying a local anesthetic to the area.
Ligation: The skin tag is tied off with surgical thread to cut off the blood flow and then removed.
Cryotherapy: Freezing with liquid nitrogen is also another method used on skin tags.
At home:
Do not try home remedies for skin tags because you can get an infection and other complications. Best Skin Tags Removal Clinic in India ,Consult a practicing dermatologist before you try anything on your own. Often skin tags are an indication of some other medical condition, and the dermatologist can help diagnose this and suggest a course of treatment.
Apple cider vinegar, tea tree oil, and lemon juice are supposed to be good for skin tags, although there is no medical evidence to support these claims.
Skin tags may come back in people who have the propensity to develop them, so periodic checkups at the dermatologist is recommended. They rarely become cancerous, and if you think you have one, make an appointment with a skin specialist and get it treated.
Treatment Options:
There is a world-class treatment option for skin tags available at iGraft Global Hair Services Clinic. Best Skin Tags Removal Clinic in India Our expert dermatologists use state-of-the-art equipment to perform the following procedure and treat skin tags effectively: